While I have an intermediate understanding of RGSS at the moment, I will experiment on my own. That's how I learn things. Thing is I couldn't quite figure out how to implement the month array into the time system without encountering a few problems. My mind drew a blank.
Anyway, I found the Real Time KTS Mod by accident. This is a modification of Kylock's, but it's a very good one at that, utilizing the system clock for real time. Its rich array of features include:
- Current Time (hours, minutes and seconds)
- Current Date (weekday, month and year)
- Seasons
- Weather (according to season)
The demo version can also be downloaded here.
It should be easy to rename the months by placing an array in the KTS Module, something like:
MONTH_NAME = ["Month One", "Month Two" ... etc.]
Then calling it later (in getMonthName):
monthname = KTS::MONTH_NAME[@month]
And that should work. (I can't thoroughly test it yet - but I will soon - as my copy of RMVX isn't working properly for some reason!)