08 November 2009

Victory Count Script

I was asked some time ago how to add a "Victory Count" - i.e. a counter for the number of battles won - so decided to experiment and this is the result. This is a very simple script modification, directly modifying various parts of the code.

Under the Public Instance Variables, add the following:
attr_accessor :victory_count          # number of victories

Under initialize, add:
@victory_count = 0

Look for def display_exp_and_gold, place the following underneath $game_party.gain_gold(gold):
$game_system.victory_count += 1

In def start, add:
@victory_window = Window_Victory.new(0, 175)

In def terminate, add:

In def update, add:

Create a new entry, entitled Window_Victory, and paste the following code:
class Window_Victory < Window_Base
# * Object Initialization
def initialize(x, y)
super(x, y, 160, WLH + 32)
self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)
self.contents.font.size = 16
# * Refresh
def refresh
return if Graphics.frame_count % 10 != 0
self.contents.draw_text(0, WLH * 0, 120, WLH, "# Victories:")
self.contents.draw_text(0, WLH * 0, 120, WLH, $game_system.victory_count.to_s, 2)
# * Frame Update
def update

This will display the "# Victories" on the Status Menu. It can be expanded for other things as well, such as the number of saves, the number of inn stays, etc.

Gladiator Project Title

This is the opening title scene for The Gladiator Project. It was inspired by Mog Hunter's Animated Title Script.

The graphics are from the movie Gladiator, starring Russel Crowe, which are of course copyrighted to Dreamworks SKG/Universal Pictures. They're there for demonstration purposes only, at least until I can find (or create) some myself, when they will be removed.
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